Indian Island

Indian Island
This is the mysterious island that the unsolvable murder mystery took place on.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summary - Part 2

As they continued talking, this time about their individual accusations, Marston refills his glass. He finds this whole situation rather exciting, so he toasts to it. As he swallows his drink, he starts choking madly. The others try to help him, but it is too late. Anthony Marston is dead. The other guests deduce that it isn't possible for someone to die of choking that quickly. Dr. Armstrong examines his glass and finds potassium cyanide, an inorganic compound that is lethal when ingested. Anthony Marston was poisoned. He is only the first victim of U.N. Owen. After everyone else was their rooms, Rogers was in the dining room, clearing the dinner dishes. He looks to the center of the table and sees, where there were ten little porcelain Indian figurines before, there were now nine! Later that night, Dr. Armstrong was awoken by a frightened Rogers. Mrs. Rogers won't wake up. The doctor rushes downstairs to find Mrs. Rogers dead! The doctor himself had given her a sedative after she fainted, but it couldn't have been overdosed. How had she died? After breakfast, Armstrong announces Mrs. Rogers's death. When everyone goes about their business afterwards, Rogers goes back into the dining room to clear the plates. Another little Indian statue is gone!  General Macarthur thinks that no one is going to leave the island. he decides that, in the time he has left on the island, he is going to bask in the peace of it all. Later that day, as he is sitting by the water, he gets hit in the back of his head with a heavy object. He instantaneously dies. Again, an Indian goes missing. Later that day, Blore, Lombard, and Armstrong go to search the island of another person or a hiding place. Alas, they find neither. After lunch, the seven visitors assemble in the drawing room. They concluded that, since it was only their seven selves on the island, that U.N. Owen was one of them. The next morning, Rogers is missing, along with another figurine. He is found dead in the woodshed with a large axe protruding from his head. Later that day, Emily Brent is found in the dining room with a mark that looks like a bee sting on the side of her neck. Emily Brent is dead. Outside the window, a hypodermic needle is found next to a smashed Indian figurine. The hypodermic needle had traces of potassium cyanide in it. The killer is only halfway through with his wicked deed. The five remaining people, Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, Dr. Armstrong, Justice Wargrave, and Blore, decide to lock up all potential weapons. Lombard admits to bringing a loaded revolver with him, but says he has lost it. They search the house and they do not find it. Suddenly, Vera screams on the staircase. They find her entangled in seaweed alive, very frightened, but alive. They return downstairs wondering how the seaweed had gotten there, just to find Justice Wargrave in the drawing room with a bullet wound on his head. However, the wound is not the only weird thing about the scene. His body was dressed up in a wig made out of yarn and the red drapes from the bathroom as a cloak. Another china figure is gone. They lay the judge down in his room. Lombard returns to his room to find his revolver returned. Early the next morning, Blore, Vera and Lombard find Armstrong missing, so they assume he in the killer. They spend the rest of the night outdoors. When the sun rises, they send Blore into the house for food. He does not return. They find him on the front lawn with his skull crushed by a marble bear clock that dropped from Vera's bedroom window. They walk to the shore just to find Armstrong's body washed up on the rocky shore. They rush to the dining room to find two more figures gone. Paranoid, they both assume the other is the murderer. Still on the beach, Vera pickpockets the revolver and shoots Lombard through the heart. Vera goes up to her room and finds a readied noose hanging by a hook in the ceiling. Driven mad by the whole experience, Vera hangs herself. There is no one left to see, but the last to Indian boy china figures are gone. 

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